TB Accountability Consortium

TB Accountability Consortium

Tackling TB in KwaZulu-Natal: TBAC moves ahead with partnership to improve TB outcomes

The TB Accountability Consortium will be joining hands with the provincial health department in KwaZulu-Natal to improve the TB response in the province.  The province remains one of South Africa’s TB hotspots in South Africa, where 54 000 people still die of TB each year despite it being a preventable and treatable disease.  In July, the TBAC outreach team met with the Provincial Department of Health to talk about some of the challenges that were being experienced.  At the top of the list was the absence of communication campaigns. According to Rosslyn Page,  the TB control program’s Advocacy Communication and […]

Traditional and modern medicine: An integrated path to health and healing

Traditional medicine has been deeply rooted in African culture and identity for centuries, providing essential healthcare and wellbeing to communities across the continent. August 26 – 31 2024 marks the annual African Traditional Medicine Week, a celebration of the diverse and vibrant traditions of African medicine, from herbal remedies to spiritual healing practices. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need for collaboration between African Traditional Medicine (ATM) and Western medicine to improve healthcare outcomes for patients and explore the importance of ATM in its interaction with the health system around patient care. This is especially […]

The TB Accountability Consortium welcomes the signing of the Second Presidential Health Compact

21 August 2024 South Africa has made significant gains in reversing the losses following the two-year response to the global covid pandemic. In the last year, we have seen a significant increase in TB testing with increases in the number of people initiated on TB treatment. Avoidable TB deaths remain way too high with over 50 000 people losing their lives annually to a curable and preventable disease. Ending TB will require a whole of society approach, and it is to this end that the TB Accountability Consortium (TBAC) welcomes the signing in of the second Presidential Health Compact by […]


SITSHELE: It’s time to tell us!

Translated as “tells us” in isiZulu, Sitshele wants get the government to answer critical questions about the TB response.

Sitshele shares the stories of all the ordinary people who have been affected by TB, forcing the government to see why TB now needs to be a national priority.


The consolidation of partnerships is currently underway, yet TBAC looks to work closely with the following leading organisations in the TB landscape: