TB Accountability Consortium

TB Accountability Consortium


Memorandum to Health Department: It’s time to declare TB a National Health Crisis!

The TB Accountabilty Consortium and the Treatment Action Campaign handed over a memorandum to officials in the National Department of Health calling for TB to be declared a national health crisis.

TB activists call day of action for government to make TB a national health crisis

TB activists call on the South African government to make TB a national health crisis.

Budget 2024: Allocations for TB services  once again not a priority for South Africa

21 February 2024 The TB Accountability Consortium welcomes Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana’s additional investments in health, his  allocations to provinces and his financial commitment to the National Health Insurance.   But we reiterate the call to make TB a national health emergency with its own line item in the budget.  In his budget vote this week Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana allocated R848 billion over the MTEF to health, noting R11.6 billion would address the 2023 wage agreement, R27.3 billion for infrastructure, and R1.4 billion for the NHI grant over the same period. According to Godongwana, the allocation of R1.4 billion to […]

TB activists gather and sign charter to make TB national priority

At the inaugural TB Accountability Consortium Convening, TB activists from across the country pledged their allegiance to TBAC and signed the charter below, calling for TB to become a national health emergency and get national priority. Read more about the convening here. United call for TB to be a National Health Emergency in South Africa The TB Accountability Consortium reignites calls for the government to flag the TB epidemic as a national public health emergency. As South Africa’s biggest killer, with more than 50 000 people dying annually and an estimated 304 000 infected each year, TB remains a significant public […]

South Africa can’t just “move-on” from Covid-19 without absorbing valuable lessons 

A new report released today, on Universal Health Coverage Day, by Rural Health Advocacy Project reveals that the health system disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic compromised the gains made in many programmes in this sector. It also highlighted various inequities in the current structure of the health system

TB Accountability Consortium launches annual State of TB in SA report

A new report released today, on Universal Health Coverage Day, by Rural Health Advocacy Project reveals that the health system disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic compromised the gains made in many programmes in this sector. It also highlighted various inequities in the current structure of the health system